7 Ideas to Hide your TV set

After discussing movie decors last week, we move on to the other side of the screen to deal with a very popular object which is also very unaesthetic: TV set. A TV in a room is like the black element in Space Odyssey: it’s huge, it’s black, it’s useless, it takes pride of place and it spoils the décor… So how to make your TV set disappear?

Black Element in Space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick

1. A frame among others


2. Hide it in a niche or a chimney


3. Transform it into a mirror


4. Frame it with a family picture or with art

Customizable TV Frames from DressMyTv

5. Play with trompe l’oeil


6. Lock it in a closet


©Sex and the City

7. Try the automated closet


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