Hope you are enjoying your day. I didn't start mine on a good note.
First thing this morning, the dishwasher broke down and leaked water all over my kitchen.
What can I say? 
After cleaning the mess and having to wash all the dishes, I decided I needed I break. Time to write a post! LOL

Between the holidays, cold weather and being sick, it seemed I was never going to finish this project.
I finally had the time and energy during this long weekend we just had to finish making all the curtains for my back porch.

I bought eight drop cloths. Each one measure 6x9.
I  used twelve packs of grommets, twelve for each curtain, spaced 6 inches apart from center to center.
The grommets I bought at Hobby Lobby, using a 40% coupon on each one of them.

 Because the drop cloth came already double stitched on both sides, I didn't have to sew anything.

And after the grommets were added to the curtains, I hemmed them using my iron and my favorite super strong hem tape.

Because it can get pretty windy around here some days, we used a pretty rope to tie them up, but last week, I decided to make some burlap flowers to make them a little prettier.

With the Spring like weather we have been having, it is nice to sit on the porch as the sun is going down.
Looking at my new curtains makes me smile.

And as it gets dark, I love the glow and the warm feeling the curtains give the porch.
Can you see the full moon? :)

This weekend I also changed the look of the four pillows on my single chairs. I will share that with you all soon.
Also, construction continues around the porch.
Weather is supposed to get cold again, so that is project that will have to wait a little longer.
More to come on that.

Until then!


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