Hello, everyone!
As we continue to battle these cold temperatures, it has been kind of nice staying indoors, putting away all the Christmas decorations and starting to organize our home.

I don't know if it is the same for you, but after the holidays it always feels like like a bomb went off in our home, LOL, specially closets and storage areas.

Last January, first thing I had to do was organize our kitchen pantry.

I am very happy to tell you, not only it stayed organized all of 2013, but also during Christmas.
Best thing I ever did! You can see that post here.

This time around, I had to deal with our storage closet.
Oh, my, oh, my! You have no idea what it looked like last week. 
No before pictures, didn't even cross my mind to take any of that disaster zone! LOL


Once that was done and Christmas put away, I had to spend about three hours cleaning my craft room.
Let me tell you, after all the crafting I did before the holidays, it took me a while to get this space back to normal. 
I am still finding burlap threats on the carpet.

The rest of the house has been cleaned and because this year I did not have a plan or time to make one, I put everything back the same way it was last year around this time.
Nothing new to show you, but I hope to change everything little by little as the months go by.
For now, it all looks at little empty.

The only thing new in the kitchen is a beautiful candle set that my son brought me from Phucket, Thailand.
Isn't it pretty? Love the little rose tea candles!
My wonderful boy bought me a souvenir in every port they stopped at during their nine month deployment.

The family room is another area I need to work on.
I think a want to add a new color to our existing decor. 
And also figure out something to do for the mantle! :)

But my next project right now is going to be my front porch.
It sits completely empty and it is really bothering me. 
My family says it looks like nobody lives here! :)

But I am working on it as we speak.
You see, I found this outdoor fabric at the end of last Summer on sale 75% off and I knew it would look pretty for the New Year. Yes, it is a little "springy" but you know what? We need a little happiness during this cold winter we are having.

Well, dear friends, that is what is happening around our neck of the woods.
Are you all also organizing and tweaking your homes?
I know you are! :)

Thank you so much to everyone that has participated on this weeks Tuesdays at Our home.
I have really enjoyed visiting all of you.
Didn't realized how much I missed doing so during the holidays. It is great to be back to another year of blogging.

Take care and stay warm!


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