
So, I have figured out that this blogging gig takes some time.  Seriously, I DO NOT know how you people with kids do it!  I mean you have to keep up with your own, read all the updates [Lord knows, I do not want to miss an idea or a tip from someone else!] and on top of the list is think of new post!  I have only been at it a little over 7 months, and some of you have been doing it for 3 years or more.  After while when I run out of things to say, one of mine might read....."I made my bed today.  Let me show you how good it looks with all the corners tucked in so nice.  Isn't it pretty?  How about all of you out there.....any suggestions on how to make it better?"  Somebody take away the keyboard then......
On to other important things.  I was at Ikea the other day, yes I admit, I do love that store.  sue me.
I saw this
It is actually a planter with a little metal tray in the bottom [haven't figured out what to do with that yet]
So I sprayed it white and taped it with one inch tape
Then sprayed it black.  This is a picture with one strip of tape torn off.
Are you getting the picture here?  I wanted something to put on my countertop to hold hand towels [cute ones that you don't really use]
You can see after I tore off the tape, I had a little touch up to do but dang....I like it.  This week.....

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